There is a hidden world in your computer. Adopt a little person from the thousands of choices of little people who live inside your computer. Help them choose a mate, and start a family! Encourage them to work in their chosen career to earn money for necessities and luxuries. Expand and renovate the house. Make it your Dream House and shop for tons of items: make...
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Battlefield Bad Company 2
Battlefield Bad Company 2 is a first-person shooter, and sequel to Electronic Arts’ 2008 release, Battlefield Bad Company. Following the continuing combat adventures
of misfits of the US Army’s Company “B,” Bad Company 2 features the
characteristic humor and grit of the Bad Company series, as well as a
variety of gameplay improvements and additions, including...

on secret missions as a soldier in the Civil WarProduct InformationIn
Civil War: Secret Missions history buffs and first person action fans willget the chance to assume the role of Union and Confederate soldiers fightingbehind enemy lines in famous Civil War
battles. The player’s goal is to disruptthe armies of both the North
and South by any means necessary...
A few months after the shipwreck of a freighter that carries an important art
collection meant for the Metropolitan Museum, one of the masterpieces
is found in Hungary. Assigned by the museum to authenticate it, Ellen
Cross, an art
restorer, does not suspect that this mission is about to take her
throughout Europe, following in the footsteps of Valachi’s famous...
Condemned: Criminal Origins
investigating the growing list of serial killers, Agent Thomas
concludes that something is twisting the bodies and souls of those that society
has left behind. The homeless, addicted and deranged are rising from
the city’s underbelly and committing mindless acts of violence. Could
there be an unseen connection between the increasing brutality of the