Tuesday, July 16, 2013


History Channel: Civil War Secret Missions

Take on secret missions as a soldier in the Civil WarProduct InformationIn Civil War: Secret Missions history buffs and first person fans willget the chance to assume the of Union and Confederate soldiers fightingbehind enemy lines in famous Civil battles. The player’s goal is to disruptthe armies of both the North and South by any means necessary includingstopping enemy supply lines stealing ironclad and sabotaging enemystrongholds.
  • Assume the of Union and Confederate soldiers fighting behind enemy lines in legendary battles
  • Your goal is to disrupt the armies of both the North and the South by any means necessary, including conducting raids, stealing ironclad , stopping enemy supply lines, destroying enemy artillery and more
  • All events are drawn from the real life actions of famous partisans, scouts and rangers
  • as a member of Mosby’s Rangers, Sheridan’s Scouts and Grant’s Secret Service

History Channel: Civil War – Secret Missions Download

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